Sudhakumar Madapoosi, MD

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Specialties: Psychiatry

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York, PA 17402

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Sudhakumar Madapoosi

Why I chose to pursue a career in healthcare:

Practicing medicine in a remote village in India , soon after my training, under the tutelage of my uncle, was an experience i cannot forget. A career in medicine was not my plan at all. It all changed when i saw his patients standup as he walked into his clinic . I was wondering if it was respect, love , or trust ………. His approach was simple that was , smile on face and soft words . Even though i was offered an engineering spot in a reputed university, i decided medicine then .

What I want my patients to know about me:

My belief in three Ds, which I try to follow every day:
A desire to help people.
A determination to help people.
A dedication of everything to help people.

What I do when I'm not seeing patients:

I enjoy traveling abroad and Locally . I am very much into Indian-style Karaoke singing , in 4 languages. I listen to all sorts of music, my favorite -- Piano fusion . Love playing with my German shepherd, Brooklyn, and of course spend a lot of time with my wife. I watch lot of movies, and vacuum and vacuum the house as Brookie sheds a lot . I call her Hairy potter

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