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Medicare and WellSpan

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The doctors you prefer with the coverage you need.

We accept Original Medicare and most Medicare supplement and Medicare Advantage plans.

WellSpan Health has also paired with Capital Blue Cross in offering Medicare Advantage options that will add convenience, enhance quality of care, reduce costs, and provide access to doctors and hospitals across the country. Learn more at

What is Medicare?

Medicare is a national insurance program administered by the Centers of Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS). CMS regulates all plans and programs underneath the Medicare umbrella whether it's original Medicare or a Medicare Advantage plan offered by a commercial insurer.

Medicare is divided into four parts: A, B, C, and D. Please note, all coverage can vary based on admission, enrollment, location and more. For complete information please visit

  • Part A: Is focused on covering hospital services such as hospital stays, skilled nursing and hospice services.
  • Part B: Described as medical insurance this portion covers doctors' services and outpatient care. Part B may cover services and prescriptions medically necessary that may have not been covered by Part A.
  • Part C: Allows patients to choose a Managed Medicare (MM) or Medicare Advantage (MA) plan from a private insurer. This provides the same coverage as Parts A and B. Additionally, it may also cover aspects of Part D. Additional coverage may also be included in a MM or MA plan.
  • Part D: Coverage for prescription drugs is available to everyone with Medicare in Part D.

Medicare Eligibility

During the year there are several Medicare-related time periods where you can choose, switch or start a Medicare plan.

  • Turning Age 65: Three months before your 65th birthday begins your Medicare Initial Enrollment Period. This period includes your birthday month and ends three months after you turn 65. If you are still working and on employer sponsored insurance, you can delay Medicare enrollment should you choose so.
  • Disability: If you have a specific ongoing disability, you may be able to enroll in Medicare before turning age 65.
  • Special Qualifying Events: Much like traditional commercial insurance plans, some life events may affect your Medicare status and make you eligible for a Special Enrollment period. These can include moving to a new state or losing coverage.
  • Annual Enrollment Period (AEP): Every year from October 15 through December 7 you can review your Medicare plan and make changes if needed. Your coverage choice from this time will then take effect on January 1 after AEP.
  • Open Enrollment Period (OEP): If you are on a Medicare Advantage plan you have additional time to switch to a different Medicare Advantage plan or Original Medicare. You can only make this switch once during the time period.


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