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Family Access/Proxy

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Take Care of Your Children and Other Family Members

If you provide care for another adult or are the parent of a child, you understand the benefit of having access to your loved one's important health information. MyWellSpan offers you the ability to achieve this access through proxy.

Invited Proxy

As a MyWellSpan user, you can invite another MyWellSpan user to access your health information. To grant another adult access to your health record, you must have that person's email address. To accept the invitation, the invitee will need to know your date of birth. Invited proxy expires after two years.

Child Proxy

Parent or Legal Guardian

If you are a parent or legal guardian, you may request proxy access for your child (age 17 and under). Stepparents and grandparents are not eligible for proxy access unless there is legal documentation to support the request. Child proxy access expires when the child turns 18.

Foster Parents

Foster parents can request proxy access to their foster child with legal documentation from Children and Youth Services (or similar agency). The documentation must be in the child’s health record. Access expires after 90 days. Upon expiration, the foster parent will need to reapply and provide any updated documentation from Children and Youth Services (or similar agency). Access is limited to scheduling and secure messaging.


Teen Access

Parents can give permission for their minor child (age 13-17) to have his or her own account.  The parent and child will both need to complete the MyWellSpan Teen Access Form during an office visit so that the teen can create a MyWellSpan account.  MyWellSpan Teen Access Form

Caregiver Proxy

If you have a surrogate relationship with another adult through an advance directive, durable health care power of attorney other legal arrangement, you may request proxy access to that person's MyWellSpan account. If there is no legal document, both parties can complete an Adult Proxy Agreement Form while in the office. This can serve as documentation to approve the request. Caregiver proxy expires after two years.


Lifetime Caregiver

If you are the parent of a child with documented cognitive impairment, you may request a lifetime caregiver exception for automatic termination at age 18. Legal documentation must be provided to support this request.