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We found about 3 results for The Cardiologist
  1. Heart Murmur Discusses heart murmur, an extra sound the blood makes as it flows through the heart. Covers harmless (innocent) murmurs and abnormal murmurs. Includes info on heart valve damage. Discusses tests by a cardiologist including electrocardiogram (ECG).
  2. Cardiac Catheterization Discusses test used to check your heart and coronary arteries. Covers reasons cardiac catheterization is done. Looks at how to prepare. Explains how the test is done in the cardiac catheterization laboratory (cath lab) by a cardiologist. Covers risks.
  3. Medical Specialists Info on healthcare professionals with training in specific areas. Links to info on physicians and other specialty doctors. Also includes links to info on other health professionals like physician assistants. Offers tips on preparing for appointments.

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