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We found about 10 results for Perimenopause
  1. Menopause and Perimenopause Discusses what happens in the body during menopause and perimenopause. Describes physical and emotional symptoms like hot flashes and mood swings. Discusses treatment with lifestyle changes like diet and exercise. Also covers hormone therapy.
  2. Menopause and Your Risk for Other Health Concerns
  3. Hot Flashes and Menopause
  4. Black Cohosh for Menopause Symptoms
  5. Emotions and Menopause
  6. Vaginal Dryness
  7. Menopause: Managing Hot Flashes Discusses options for managing hot flashes during menopause. Explains what hot flashes are. Discusses lifestyle choices that may help hot flashes. Looks at prescription medicines.
  8. Menopause: Should I Use Hormone Therapy (HT)? Guides you through the decision to use hormone therapy (HT) for menopause symptoms. Explains what menopause is and what to expect. Lists risks and benefits of HT and other treatments to try. Includes interactive tool to help you decide.
  9. Soy for Menopause Symptoms
  10. Black Cohosh (PDQ®): Integrative, alternative, and complementary therapies - Patient Information [NCI]

Results 1-10 of 10

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