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We found about 17 results for Pediatric Blood Disorders
  1. Blood Pressure Screening
  2. High Blood Pressure in Children and Teens
  3. Diabetes: High or Low Blood Sugar in Young Children
  4. Diabetes in Children: Preventing High Blood Sugar Discusses high blood sugar (also called hyperglycemia) in children with diabetes. Covers symptoms. Offers tips on preventing high blood sugar emergencies.
  5. Diabetes in Children: Treating Low Blood Sugar
  6. High and Low Blood Sugar Level Record for a Child
  7. Diabetes in Children: Checking Blood Sugar in a Child Describes monitoring blood sugar levels in children with diabetes. Gives step-by-step instructions. Covers how to record testing results and how to prevent sore fingers.
  8. Thalassemia
  9. Type 1 Diabetes in Children Covers type 1 diabetes in children. Includes info on managing diabetes. Discusses using glucose monitors for blood glucose testing. Includes links to info on dealing with diabetes in school. Includes info on hypoglycemia and hyperglycemia.
  10. Type 2 Diabetes in Children Covers type 2 diabetes in children. Discusses how obesity or being overweight is causing type 2 diabetes in kids. Includes info on treatment. Discusses monitoring blood sugar levels. Includes info on hypoglycemia and hyperglycemia.
  11. Childhood Leukemia: Working With Your Care Team Find out how to work effectively with your child's care team to get answers and support.
  12. Childhood Leukemia: Understanding Treatment Learn about some of the treatment options for childhood leukemia.
  13. Childhood Leukemia: What Is ALL? Learn what acute lymphoblastic leukemia (ALL) is and what to expect for care and treatment.
  14. Jaundice in Newborns Find out what it means and what to do if your baby has jaundice.
  15. Childhood Leukemia: What Is AML? Learn what acute myelogenous leukemia (AML) is and what to expect for care and treatment.
  16. Diabetes in Children: Counting Carbs Teaches counting carbs to help you and your child plan meals to manage diabetes and control blood sugar. Explains why carb counting is important. Includes links to more info on counting carbs if you use insulin and on type 1 and type 2 diabetes.
  17. Upper GI Endoscopy for Children Learn what an upper GI endoscopy for children is used for and how it's done.

Results 1-17 of 17

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