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We found about 21 results for Eating Disorders in Children
  1. Diabetes inChildren: 5 Ways to Help Your Child Eat Healthy Meals Here are 5 ways to help kids with diabetes choose healthy foods and drinks.
  2. Healthy EatinginChildren: Problems Caused by Poor Nutrition
  3. Down Syndrome: Helping Your Child Eat Independently
  4. Diabetes inChildren: Healthy Eating at School Help your child with diabetes make smart food and drink choices at school.
  5. Eating Out When You Have Diabetes
  6. Diabetes inChildren: Counting Carbs Teaches counting carbs to help you and your child plan meals to manage diabetes and control blood sugar. Explains why carb counting is important. Includes links to more info on counting carbs if you use insulin and on type 1 and type 2 diabetes.
  7. Helping Your Child Who Is Overweight
  8. Diabetes inChildren: Food Issues at School
  9. Teens: Overweight? You're in Charge Hear how one teen got motivated to take charge of his weight and eating habits.
  10. Quick Tips: Smart Snacking When You Have Diabetes
  11. Food List for Diabetes
  12. Counting Carbohydrate Grams or Servings
  13. Diabetes: Coping With Your Feelings About Your Diet Discusses dealing with negative feelings that can interfere with your ability to follow your diet for diabetes. Provides ways to deal with negative feelings about your diet.
  14. Diabetes: Counting Carbohydrates Learn what carbohydrates are and how to count them to help manage your diabetes.
  15. Basic Dental Care Provides info on basic dental care like brushing and flossing regularly, seeing your dentist or dental hygienist for regular checkups and cleanings, and eating mouth-healthy foods. Offers info on dental care for children.
  16. Diabetes: Using a Plate Format to Plan Meals Explains the plate format as an easy way to plan meals to help manage the amount of carbohydrate in each meal.
  17. Diabetes: Counting Carbs Learn why counting carbs is important when you have diabetes, and get tips for how to count carbs and keep a balanced diet.
  18. Carbohydrate Foods
  19. Getting Enough Calcium and Vitamin D
  20. Glycemic Index
  21. Reading Food Labels When You Have Diabetes

Results 1-21 of 21

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