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We found about 15 results for Dysthymia in Children
  1. Depression inChildren and Teens Looks at depression inchildren and teens. Covers symptoms like anxiety, headaches, sleep problems, and lack of energy. Discusses treatment with therapy and medicines. Covers warning signs of suicide.
  2. Comparing Symptoms of Normal Moodiness With Depression inChildren
  3. Depression Screening inChildren and Teens Learn how depression screening for older children and teens is an important tool for finding out if your child needs help.
  4. Starting Antidepressants: How to Care for Your Child Learn how to care for your child if they start taking antidepressant medicines.
  5. Family Therapy for Depression inChildren
  6. Supporting a Child Who Has a Mental Health Condition Learn ways to help your child who has a mental health condition.
  7. Symptoms of Depression inChildren
  8. Questions Your Doctor May Ask Before Prescribing Medicine for Depression inChildren and Teens
  9. Depression: Should My Child Take Medicine to Treat Depression? Guides you through deciding whether your child should take medicines for depression. Offers reasons for and against. Covers side effects, including possible increase in suicidal thoughts. Includes interactive tool to help you make your decision.
  10. Conditions With Symptoms Similar to Depression inChildren and Teens
  11. Depression Screening
  12. Myths and Facts About Depression
  13. Counseling for Your Teen Learn how to support your teen while they are in counseling.
  14. FDA Advisories for Antidepressants
  15. Mental Health Conditions and Stigma Explains what stigma is in relation to mental health conditions. Suggests ways to get past stigma and self-stigma in relationships and at work. Briefly touches on legal concerns and the importance of advance planning documents.

Results 1-15 of 15

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