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We found about 7 results for When to Call Your Childs Doctor
  1. Here's Help: WhenYour Newborn Is Sick Find out whentocallyourdoctor or get emergency help whenyour newborn is sick.
  2. Asthma: Is Your Child Using the Quick-Relief Inhaler Too Often? Learn how to tell whenyour child is using a quick-relief inhaler too often and whentocall a doctor.
  3. Here's Help: Mild Sunburn in Children Find out what to do and whentocall for help if your child has a mild sunburn.
  4. Here's Help: Mild Dehydration in Your Baby or Child Find out what to do and whentocall for help if your baby or child has mild dehydration.
  5. Here's Help: Mild Heat Exhaustion in Children Find out what to do and whentocall for help if your child has mild heat exhaustion.
  6. Teething Discusses teething and what to expect during teething. Covers symptoms and common concerns. Offers home treatment suggestions and tips for keeping your child's teeth healthy. Explains whentocall the doctor.
  7. Here's Help: Minor Burn in Children Find out what to do and whentocall for help if your child has a minor burn.

Results 1-7 of 7

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