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We found about 14 results for Second Degree Burns
  1. Home Treatment for Second-DegreeBurns
  2. Here's Help: Minor Burn in Children Find out what to do and when to call for help if your child has a minor burn.
  3. Determining the Seriousness of a Burn
  4. Care for Minor Burns Learn how to treat minor burns and prevent infection, and when to see a doctor.
  5. First Aid for Tar or Plastic Burns
  6. First Aid for Chemical Burns
  7. Estimating the Size of a Burn
  8. Alkali Burns
  9. Acid Burns
  10. Your Child's Wound Debridement: Before Surgery Learn what wound debridement surgery is and how to prepare your child for it.
  11. Your Child's Wound Debridement: Returning Home Learn what you can do at home to care for your child after wound debridement surgery.
  12. Your Child's Skin Graft: Before Surgery Learn what skin graft surgery is and how to prepare your child for it.
  13. Your Child's Skin Graft: Returning Home Learn what you can do at home to care for your child after a skin graft.
  14. Sunburn Briefly discusses the types of sunburn and other problems that might occur with a sunburn, such as heat rash or heat exhaustion. Covers what factors increase the risk of getting a sunburn. Offers interactive tool to help decide when to seek care. Also offers home treatment tips.

Results 1-14 of 14

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