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We found about 5 results for Pharyngitis Tonsillitis
  1. Strep Throat Discusses strep throat, an infection in the throat and tonsils caused by bacteria. Covers symptoms like sore throat and fever. Includes info on rapid strep test and throat culture. Covers treatment with medicines and surgery (tonsillectomy). Includes info on possible complications.
  2. Tonsillectomy Explains surgery to take out tonsils because of strep throat infections or tonsillitis. Gives info on what to expect after surgery, such as sore throat. Explains how child may feel and act after surgery. Also includes info on risks.
  3. Rapid Strep Test for Strep Throat Explains rapid strep test to test for bacteria that cause strep throat (streptococcal pharyngitis). Explains when test is done and what results mean.
  4. Strep Test for Children Learn what a strep test is and how it's done.
  5. Strep Throat Complications

Results 1-5 of 5

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