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We found about 11 results for Periodontal Disease
  1. Gum Disease Covers symptoms and causes of gum disease (also called gingivitis, periodontitis, or periodontaldisease). Covers what increases your risk. Discusses home treatment. Covers treatment with medicines, root planing and scaling, and surgery.
  2. Coenzyme Q10 Discusses Coenzyme Q10 (CoQ10), also known as Q10, vitamin Q10, or ubiquinone. Looks at use to treat heart failure, cancer, muscular dystrophy, and periodontaldisease. Covers safety and side effects of dietary supplements.
  3. Toothache and Gum Problems Briefly discusses toothache, its symptoms, and possible causes. Also describes gum disease, including gingivitis and periodontaldisease. Offers interactive tool to help decide when to seek care. Also offers home treatment tips.
  4. Flap Procedure for Gum Disease
  5. Root Planing and Scaling for Gum Disease
  6. Gingivectomy for Gum Disease
  7. Dental Care: Brushing and Flossing Your Teeth Looks at the importance of good dental health habits. Suggests when and how to brush and floss.
  8. Mouth Problems, Noninjury Briefly discusses possible causes of mouth, tongue, or lip problems, including infections, sores, and health conditions. Offers interactive tool to help decide when to seek care. Also offers home treatment tips.
  9. Mouth and Dental Injuries Briefly discusses common injuries such as a chipped or broken tooth; mouth pain; and a puncture or tear in your lip, tongue, or inside your mouth. Offers interactive tool to help decide when to seek care. Also offers home treatment tips.
  10. Tooth Extraction Describes surgery to remove a tooth that is damaged. Discusses why surgery is done and how well it works. Covers what to expect after surgery. Covers possible risks. Offers home care tips.
  11. Independent Living for People With Disabilities

Results 1-11 of 11

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