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We found about 12 results for Manic Depression Bipolar Disorder
  1. Bipolar Disorder: Helping Someone During a Manic Episode
  2. Bipolar Disorder: Manic Episodes
  3. Bipolar Disorder: Preventing Manic Episodes This article discusses steps you can take to help prevent a manic episode. Covers learning about the early warning signs of a manic episode.
  4. Bipolar Disorder Looks at illness that causes extreme mood swings, ranging from mania (feeling overly energetic) to depression. Also called manic-depressive disorder. Covers treatment with counseling and medicines like mood stabilizers, antipsychotics, and antidepressants.
  5. Bipolar Disorder in Children and Teens Discusses symptoms of bipolardisorder in children and teens. Covers frequent and extreme mood swings ranging from being overly energetic to depression. Covers treatment with counseling and medicines.
  6. Bipolar Disorder: Hypomanic Episodes
  7. Bipolar Disorder in Children: Other Health Problems That May Occur
  8. Bipolar Disorder in Children: School Issues
  9. Differences Between ADHD and BipolarDisorder in Children
  10. Conditions With Symptoms Similar to Depression in Children and Teens
  11. Long-Acting Injectable Antipsychotic Medicines Learn about getting antipsychotic medicines as shots instead of taking them as pills.
  12. Mental Health Conditions and Stigma Explains what stigma is in relation to mental health conditions. Suggests ways to get past stigma and self-stigma in relationships and at work. Briefly touches on legal concerns and the importance of advance planning documents.

Results 1-12 of 12

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