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We found about 16 results for Maintaining Weight Loss
  1. Tips for MaintainingWeightLoss
  2. Reframing Your Thoughts About Managing Weight Learn how reframing your thoughts about managing your weight can make a healthy difference.
  3. Weight Management: Stop Negative Thoughts Explains how to practice reframing negative thoughts to be more helpful. Provides steps to practice choosing healthier thoughts. Includes keeping a thought diary.
  4. Choosing a Weight-Loss Program
  5. Weight Management Discusses healthy weight and why it is important. Covers the main steps to reaching healthy weight. Discusses difficulties of losing weight. Covers nutrition, lifestyle changes, and physical activity. Offers tips for preparing for changes.
  6. Staying With Your Eating Plan When Your Schedule Shifts Get some tips for staying on track with eating and activity goals when your routine changes.
  7. Weight Management Provides links to info on healthy living. Topics discuss healthy weight and weightloss. Discusses balancing how much you eat with how much you exercise. Covers whether your weight increases health risks. Includes info on nutrition.
  8. Physical Activity and WeightLoss Explains how to start being more active to improve your health. Being more active can be part of your plan to reach a weight that's healthy for you.
  9. Weight Management: Should I Use Over-the-Counter Diet Aids? Guides through decision to use over-the-counter diet aids for weightloss. Explains lack of evidence that diet aids work. Lists the risks and side effects. Includes information about Alli. Includes an interactive tool to help you make your decision.
  10. Rethinking Drinking: Alcohol and Managing Your Weight Learn about calories in alcohol, and decide how alcohol fits into your weight management plan.
  11. Genetic Influences on Weight
  12. Finding Nonfood Ways to Reward Yourself Celebrate your successes with non-food rewards.
  13. Quick Tips: Cutting Calories
  14. Added Sugars
  15. Hunger, Fullness, and Appetite Signals
  16. Tips for Avoiding Unplanned Snacking Learn how to plan snacks and meals to avoid impulsive eating and drinking.

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