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We found about 51 results for Labor and Delivery
  1. Labor and Delivery Explains laboranddelivery, including planning, signs of labor, pain management, types of delivery, labor stages, labor positions, medical procedures, and what happens right after birth.
  2. Childbirth Pain Relief Options Learn about pain relief options for childbirth, including medical and nonmedical options.
  3. Childbirth: Laboring in Water and Water Delivery
  4. Pregnancy: Signs of Preterm Labor Find out the important differences between "practice contractions" and preterm labor.
  5. Bed Rest for Preterm Labor
  6. Preterm Labor
  7. Preterm Laborand Short Cervix
  8. Signs of Labor Learn the signs of labor so you'll know what to do when you're ready to have your baby.
  9. Breathing Techniques for Childbirth
  10. Interactive Tool: From Embryo to Baby in 9 Months Offers interactive tool that shows the growth of an embryo into a baby. Provides links to info on pregnancy andlaboranddelivery.
  11. Nonmedical Options for Pain Relief in Childbirth Learn about nonmedical pain relief options for childbirth.
  12. VBAC: Safe Labor After a Cesarean Learn how your medical team makes vaginal birth after a cesarean section as safe as possible.
  13. Nitrous Oxide Pain Relief for Childbirth
  14. Induction Abortion Describes different methods used to induce laboranddelivery for pregnancy termination. Lists what to expect after procedure and during recovery. Covers why it is done and how well it works. Also lists risks involved.
  15. Spinal and Epidural Pain Relief for Childbirth
  16. Childbirth: Epidurals
  17. Fetal Monitoring During Labor
  18. Childbirth: Perineal Massage Before Labor
  19. Doulas and Support During Childbirth Learn how a doula can help support you during childbirth.
  20. Pregnancy and Childbirth Provides links to info on pregnancy, laboranddelivery, and the postpartum period. Offers interactive tool to calculate your due date. Also links to interactive tool that shows how an embryo grows into a baby.
  21. VBAC: Labor Induction
  22. Pregnancy: Should I Have an Epidural During Childbirth? Guides you through decision to have an epidural during childbirth. Lists benefits and risks. Lists other ways to control labor pain. Includes interactive tool to help you make your decision.
  23. Women's Health Provides links to info on common concerns of women's health. Includes info on birth control, hormone therapy for menopause symptoms, abnormal pap tests, and fertility problems. Also looks at pregnancy, labor, delivery, and the postpartum period.
  24. Anesthesia: Epidural for Childbirth Learn about an epidural for labor: what it is, how it's done, and its safety and side effects.
  25. Childbirth: I.V. Medicines
  26. Breech Position and Breech Birth
  27. VBAC: Uterine Scar Rupture
  28. Multiple Pregnancy: Preterm Birth
  29. Cervical Cerclage
  30. Contractions During Pregnancy: What to Expect
  31. Childbirth: Pudendal Block
  32. Fetal Fibronectin Test
  33. Bed Rest in Pregnancy
  34. Change in Heartbeat Briefly discusses how the heart works and what might cause minor or serious heartbeat changes. Offers interactive tool to help decide when to seek care. Also offers home treatment tips.
  35. Postural Management for Breech Position
  36. External Cephalic Version for Breech Position
  37. Atrial Fibrillation Discusses atrial fibrillation, an irregular heartbeat (arrhythmia). Covers causes, including high blood pressure and CAD. Discusses what increases your risk. Covers treatment with medicines, cardioversion, and catheter ablation.
  38. Heart Rhythm Problems: Diary of Symptoms
  39. Arrhythmia: What Is an ICD? Learn how an ICD works and how it can help your heart.
  40. ICD: Living Well With It Discusses how to live with an implantable cardioverter-defibrillator (ICD), a device that helps control heart rhythm. Gives safety guidelines and tips for travel, exercise, and making an ICD shock plan.
  41. Pacemaker: Living Well With It Discusses pacemakers to control heart rhythm. Gives information on safety guidelines and tips for exercise and travel.
  42. Arrhythmia: Living With a Pacemaker Learn how to adjust to life with a pacemaker and have an active, healthy life.
  43. Heart Arrhythmias and Exercise
  44. Making a Birth Plan
  45. Heart Rate Problems: Should I Get a Pacemaker? Topic guides reader through decision to get a pacemaker for heart rate problems. Provides general overview of what pacemakers are and what heart problems can be helped with pacemakers. Lists benefits and possible complications of getting a pacemaker.
  46. Heart Rhythm Problems: Should I Get an Implantable Cardioverter-Defibrillator (ICD)? Topic guides reader through decision to get an ICD for heart rhythm problems. Provides general overview of what ICDs are and what heart rhythm problems can be helped with ICDs. Lists benefits and possible complications of getting an ICD.
  47. After a Stroke: Taking a Blood Thinner for A-Fib Learn why it's important to take blood-thinning medicine after your stroke.
  48. Heart Rhythm Problems and Driving
  49. Heart Rhythm Problems: Symptoms
  50. Arrhythmias and Sexual Activity
  51. Medicines to Prevent Abnormal Heart Rhythm in Heart Failure

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