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We found about 24 results for Infant Nutrition
  1. Introducing Foods to Your Baby Learn how to safely start introducing solid foods to your baby.
  2. Feeding Your Infant
  3. Pregnancy: Eating the Right Foods Learn about the nutrients you need to have a healthy pregnancy and a healthy baby.
  4. Cow's Milk Protein Allergy in Babies
  5. Nutrition While Breastfeeding
  6. Diet, Breastfeeding, and Colic
  7. Child Who Is Overweight: Evaluating Nutrition and Activity Patterns
  8. Celiac Disease: Eating a Gluten-Free Diet
  9. Health and Safety, Birth to 2 Years Offers tips to prevent illness and accidental injuries in babies and young children. Covers SIDS. Discusses common safety hazards. Also discusses healthy habits such as safe food preparation, using car seats, and immunizations. Covers safe baby products.
  10. Feeding Your Child Using Division of Responsibility
  11. Healthy Eating for Children Covers eating a variety of foods so that your child gets the nutrients needed for normal growth. Looks at how much food is good for your child and how you can help your child eat well and be healthy. Explains how to help a child who is overweight.
  12. Your Toddler: Nutritious Meals for Picky Eaters
  13. Teens: Overweight? You're in Charge Hear how one teen got motivated to take charge of his weight and eating habits.
  14. Hidden Gluten
  15. Your Pregnancy: The Second Trimester Learn what to expect during the second trimester, including how the baby is growing.
  16. Tube Feeding for Children Learn about tube feeding for children and how it works.
  17. Pregnancy: Learning About Doctors and Midwives Learn about the different ways doctors and midwives handle pregnancies and deliver babies.
  18. Basic Dental Care Provides info on basic dental care like brushing and flossing regularly, seeing your dentist or dental hygienist for regular checkups and cleanings, and eating mouth-healthy foods. Offers info on dental care for children.
  19. Healthy Habits for Kids
  20. How Secondhand Smoke Affects Your Child Learn how breathing secondhand smoke can affect your child's health.
  21. Down Syndrome: Helping Your Child Eat Independently
  22. Dealing With Emergencies
  23. Swallowed Button Disc Battery, Magnet, or Object With Lead
  24. Nausea and Vomiting, Age 11 and Younger Briefly discusses the common causes of nausea and vomiting in children, including stomach illnesses and infections. Offers interactive tool to help decide when to seek care. Also offers home treatment tips.

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