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We found about 15 results for Heart and Blood Vessels
  1. How Plaque Increases the Risk of a Heart Attack Learn how plaque in bloodvessels can become a problem and cause a heart attack.
  2. Peripheral Arterial Angioplasty In this article, you'll learn the basics about peripheral arterial angioplasty, including how the procedure is done.
  3. Angioplasty for Peripheral Artery Disease: Before Your Procedure Learn what to expect when preparing for angioplasty for peripheral artery disease. Includes an explanation of the procedure.
  4. Angioplasty for Peripheral Artery Disease: Returning Home Find out how you'll feel after angioplasty for peripheral artery disease and how to take care of yourself at home.
  5. Angiogram
  6. Kawasaki Disease
  7. Polymyalgia Rheumatica Covers symptoms of polymyalgia rheumatica, which include muscle pain and stiffness in the neck and shoulders. Covers how this condition is treated.
  8. Giant Cell Arteritis Covers symptoms of giant cell arteritis, which include vision problems and pain in the jaw. Covers how this condition is treated.
  9. Coronary Angioplasty: Before Your Procedure Learn how angioplasty opens narrowed or blocked coronary arteries to improve blood flow.
  10. Coronary Angioplasty: Returning Home Find out how you'll feel after coronary angioplasty and how to take care of yourself at home.
  11. Coronary Angioplasty Covers a procedure, also called percutaneous coronary intervention, to widen narrow coronary arteries for stable angina andheart attack. Includes a slideshow of angioplasty. Describes use of stent and balloon to open artery. Explains why it's done and when it's not done. Includes how well it works, risks, and recovery...
  12. Coronary Artery Disease: Should I Have Angioplasty for Stable Angina? Guides you through the decision to have angioplasty when you have stable angina. Lists benefits and risks of angioplasty and medical therapy. Explains why lifestyle changes are still important. Includes interactive tool to help you with your decision.
  13. Drug-Eluting Stents
  14. Temporal Artery Biopsy
  15. Peripheral Arterial Disease: Should I Have a Procedure or Surgery? Guides you through the decision to have a procedure or surgery for peripheral arterial disease (PAD). Covers what PAD is and how it is treated. Covers risks. Lists reasons for and against having a procedure or surgery. Includes interactive tool to help you decide.

Results 1-15 of 15

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