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We found about 35 results for Gangrene
  1. Necrotizing Fasciitis (Flesh-Eating Bacteria) Discusses rare flesh-eating bacterial infection. Includes info on Fournier gangrene. Covers symptoms and how it is diagnosed. Looks at treatment with medicine, surgery, and oxygen therapy. Covers treatment for complications caused by the infection.
  2. Type 1 Diabetes in Children: Caring for Your Child
  3. Umbilical Hernia in Children
  4. Type 1 Diabetes in Children: Bryson's Story Watch Bryson's story with your child to learn about type 1 diabetes in children.
  5. Type 1 Diabetes: What Does It Mean for My Child? Learn what type 1 diabetes means for your child, your family, and the rest of your child's life.
  6. Type 1 Diabetes in Children Covers type 1 diabetes in children. Includes info on managing diabetes. Discusses using glucose monitors for blood glucose testing. Includes links to info on dealing with diabetes in school. Includes info on hypoglycemia and hyperglycemia.
  7. Sports Hernia
  8. Children and Teens: What Is Type 2 Diabetes? Find out what it means to be a kid with type 2 diabetes.
  9. Type 2 Diabetes in Children: What Is It? Find out what type 2 diabetes in children means.
  10. Type 2 Diabetes in Children Covers type 2 diabetes in children. Discusses how obesity or being overweight is causing type 2 diabetes in kids. Includes info on treatment. Discusses monitoring blood sugar levels. Includes info on hypoglycemia and hyperglycemia.
  11. Hiatal Hernia Discusses three main types of hiatal hernia: sliding, paraesophageal, and mixed. Covers symptoms such as heartburn and gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD). Looks at treatment with lifestyle changes, medicines, and sometimes surgery.
  12. Inguinal Hernia Provides information on hernias. Focuses on inguinal hernias. Briefly describes femoral and abdominal wall hernias. Covers symptoms and treatment with surgery.
  13. Common Types of Hernias Provides information on common hernias, including abdominal, incisional, and umbilical hernias. Briefly covers symptoms and treatment with surgery.
  14. Umbilical Hernia: Should I Have Surgery? Guides through decision to have surgery for an umbilical hernia. Describes symptoms of an umbilical hernia and when they normally occur. Covers benefits and risks. Includes an interactive tool to help you make your decision.
  15. Umbilical Hernia: Should My Child Have Surgery? Guides through decision to have your child have surgery for an umbilical hernia. Describes symptoms of an umbilical hernia and when they normally occur. Covers benefits and risks. Includes an interactive tool to help you make your decision.
  16. Type 1 Diabetes: Your Child's Role in Care
  17. Type 1 Diabetes in Children: How to Support Your Teen Find out how to support your teen who has type 1 diabetes.
  18. Type 1 Diabetes in Children: Safe Exercise
  19. Groin Problems and Injuries Briefly discusses groin problems and injuries. Looks at acute injuries, hernias, and rashes and at groin problems in children. Offers interactive tool to help decide when to seek care. Also offers home treatment tips.
  20. Diabetes in Teens: How You Can Help Find out how to support your teen who has diabetes.
  21. Diabetes in Children: Giving Single-Dose Insulin Shots to a Child
  22. Teens With Diabetes: Issues for Parents
  23. Diabetes in Children: Checking Blood Sugar in a Child Describes monitoring blood sugar levels in children with diabetes. Gives step-by-step instructions. Covers how to record testing results and how to prevent sore fingers.
  24. Diabetes: High or Low Blood Sugar in Young Children
  25. Diabetes in Children: Special Camps
  26. Inguinal Hernia: Should I Have Surgery Now, or Should I Wait? Guides you through decision to have inguinal hernia surgery. Looks at the two types of surgery for treatment. Covers benefits and risks. Includes an interactive tool to help you make your decision.
  27. Diabetes in Children: Care Plan for School or Day Care
  28. Diabetes in Children: 5 Ways to Help Your Child Eat Healthy Meals Here are 5 ways to help kids with diabetes choose healthy foods and drinks.
  29. Diabetes in Children: Counting Carbs Teaches counting carbs to help you and your child plan meals to manage diabetes and control blood sugar. Explains why carb counting is important. Includes links to more info on counting carbs if you use insulin and on type 1 and type 2 diabetes.
  30. Diabetes in Children: Treating Low Blood Sugar
  31. Diabetes in Children: Preparing a Care Plan for School
  32. Diabetes in Children: Giving Insulin Shots to a Child Provides step-by-step instructions for preparing and giving insulin shots to a child. Includes preparing mixed-dose and single-dose shots. Links to images for how to prepare and give both types of shots. Explains where to give shots and how to rotate injection sites.
  33. Diabetes in Children: Food Issues at School
  34. Diabetes in Children: Healthy Eating at School Help your child with diabetes make smart food and drink choices at school.
  35. Diabetes in Children: Preventing High Blood Sugar Discusses high blood sugar (also called hyperglycemia) in children with diabetes. Covers symptoms. Offers tips on preventing high blood sugar emergencies.

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