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We found about 22 results for Down Syndrome
  1. Down Syndrome
  2. Down Syndrome: Training and Therapy for Young People
  3. Down Syndrome: Helping Your Child Eat Independently
  4. Down Syndrome: Grooming and Hygiene
  5. Down Syndrome: Helping Your Child Learn to Walk and Use Other Motor Skills
  6. Down Syndrome: Helping Your Child Learn to Communicate
  7. Down Syndrome: Helping Your Child Avoid Social Problems
  8. Down Syndrome: Helping Your Child Dress Independently
  9. Down Syndrome, Ages Birth to 1 Month
  10. Down Syndrome, Ages 1 Month to 1 Year
  11. Down Syndrome, Ages 1 to 5
  12. Down Syndrome, Ages 5 to 13
  13. Down Syndrome, Ages 13 to 21
  14. Pregnancy: Should I Have Screening Tests for Birth Defects? Guides you through the decision to have screening tests to look for Downsyndrome and birth defects. Discusses what the tests look for. Covers benefits and risks. Includes interactive tool to help you make your decision.
  15. Independent Living for People With Disabilities
  16. Feeling Depressed Briefly discusses when feelings of sadness or anxiety may indicate need for treatment for depression. Explains emergency symptoms, like talk about suicide. Offers interactive tool to help decide when to seek care. Offers tips to help with depression.
  17. Frailty in Older Adults Briefly discusses frailty in older adults, including what happens if someone is frail. Offers ways to help an older adult who has frailty.
  18. Alzheimer's and Other Dementias: Coping With Sundowning
  19. Conditions With Symptoms Similar to Depression in Children and Teens
  20. Parkinson's Disease: Eating and Drooling Problems
  21. Mental Health Conditions and Stigma Explains what stigma is in relation to mental health conditions. Suggests ways to get past stigma and self-stigma in relationships and at work. Briefly touches on legal concerns and the importance of advance planning documents.
  22. Ravi's Story: Coping With Back Pain and Depression

Results 1-22 of 22

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