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We found about 5 results for Diverticular Disease
  1. Diverticular Bleeding Briefly discusses diverticular bleeding. Explains what diverticular bleeding is. Looks at causes, and symptoms such as severe rectal bleeding. Covers treatment options. Offers prevention tips, including eating a high-fiber diet.
  2. Diverticulosis Looks at causes and symptoms of diverticulosis. Explains what diverticulosis is and how it is treated. Covers painful diverticulardisease. Offers home treatment and prevention tips, including eating more dietary fiber.
  3. Diverticulitis Includes info on diverticulitis, a condition in which pouches form in the colon and get inflamed or infected. Discusses symptoms and possible complications. Covers treatment with changes to your diet, medicine, or surgery.
  4. Following a Low-Fiber Diet
  5. Bowel Resection Learn what to expect during bowel resection surgery.

Results 1-5 of 5

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