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We found about 15 results for Care of the Mouth and Teeth
  1. Dental Care: Brushing and Flossing Your Teeth Looks at the importance of good dental health habits. Suggests when and how to brush and floss.
  2. Diabetes: Taking Careof Your Teethand Gums
  3. Mouth and Dental Provides links to information about mouthand dental health. Includes info about toothaches, thrush, TM disorders, canker sores, wisdom teeth, and dental care.
  4. Mouth and Dental Injuries Briefly discusses common injuries such as a chipped or broken tooth; mouth pain; and a puncture or tear in your lip, tongue, or inside your mouth. Offers interactive tool to help decide when to seek care. Also offers home treatment tips.
  5. Mouth Problems, Noninjury Briefly discusses possible causes ofmouth, tongue, or lip problems, including infections, sores, and health conditions. Offers interactive tool to help decide when to seek care. Also offers home treatment tips.
  6. Brushing and Flossing a Child's Teeth
  7. Basic Dental Care Provides info on basic dental care like brushing and flossing regularly, seeing your dentist or dental hygienist for regular checkups and cleanings, and eating mouth-healthy foods. Offers info on dental care for children.
  8. Basic Dental Care From Birth to 16 Years
  9. Dental Care: 6 Years to 16 Years
  10. Preventing Tooth Decay in Young Children
  11. Wisdom Tooth Problems Looks at possible problems with wisdom teeth. Covers symptoms and how problems are diagnosed. Covers treatment options, including surgery. Offers home care tips.
  12. Malocclusion and Orthodontics Describes causes and symptoms of crooked teeth (called malocclusion). Covers treatment with orthodontics (braces) or surgery.
  13. Tooth Extraction Describes surgery to remove a tooth that is damaged. Discusses why surgery is done and how well it works. Covers what to expect after surgery. Covers possible risks. Offers home care tips.
  14. Toothache and Gum Problems Briefly discusses toothache, its symptoms, and possible causes. Also describes gum disease, including gingivitis and periodontal disease. Offers interactive tool to help decide when to seek care. Also offers home treatment tips.
  15. Orthognathic Surgery for Malocclusion

Results 1-15 of 15

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